
Rice Emotion Experiment


One excellent lesson that has been passed on to me over the years is that in order to fully understand something you need to experience it yourself.

During my yoga teacher training, the lovely Dominique used to always say to us “No borrowed knowledge”.

I definitely resonate with this.

This year’s biggest theme for me has been obtaining first hand experience of the fact that we are all energetic creatures. All connected. Vibrational beings. Yes it’s true.

So, I decided to take this rice experiment into my own hands. I had seen it online, but I wanted to see it first hand.

No borrowed knowledge.

Now, I know this isn’t a perfect experiment. There was no control jar. I should probably do the experiment more than once. But for my purposes, I just wanted to give this a go and see what happened.

My Rice Experiment:

1. Sterilised each jar with boiling water
2. Put about a cup of cooked brown rice (that had been soaked overnight – habit) into each jar
3. Sealed the jars
4. Stuck a piece of paper onto each jar. One with positive words, and one with negative

Now, my intention was to sit with each jar every day and direct the appropriate emotion onto it.

I did this for two days and then I stopped. Why ? Because I HATED mustering up such strong anger/hatred/envy/viciousness. It wasn’t cool. It felt horrible and it jilted me and I didn’t care enough about the experiment to do it every day for a few weeks.

So I put the jars into a cupboard and forgot about them.

My first observation was how long it took to even start to show signs of mould ! Rice, as it turns out, resists mould for quite some time.

I think it was around day 9 that I saw the first teeny tiny SMIDGEN spot of mould. It was in the LOVE jar. I was a tad disappointed.

I closed the cupboard and forgot about them again.

Then at day 14 I took them out and this is what I saw…

Day 1 Rice Experiement



Day 14 Rice Experiment
(negative jar)



(positive jar)



Wow. Interesting. Now I know that YOU are dying to try this, and to be honest I’m dying for you to try this too. If you do, please please PLEASE come back here or over on FB and show me the results. I’m genuinely officially fascinated.

Good thoughts, my friends. Beam those happy words silently out from your mind. It has more affect than you will ever know.

{ 4 comments… add one }
  • Pauline June 30, 2014, 8:18 am

    waw, super impressive!

    • Jasmine July 1, 2014, 11:58 pm

      🙂 <3

  • Tegan June 30, 2014, 2:03 pm

    Ooh you’re right. I’m intrigued! Will try remember to start mine tomorrow 🙂

    • Jasmine July 1, 2014, 11:58 pm

      Hi Tegan 🙂 PLEASE show me your results if you do it 🙂 xo

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